In the murder and rape case that took place in Kolkata’s RG Kar Medical College, the special court has given permission to the CBI to conduct a polygraph test of accused Sanjay Roy. The body of the doctor was found in the seminar hall of RG Kar Medical College. After which Sanjay Roy was arrested. The CBI is engaged in the investigation of this case. On Thursday, the court had given permission for the polygraph test of 5 other people along with the former principal of the hospital, Sandeep Ghosh. What is a polygraph test? Polygraph is a device that detects whether the accused is telling the truth or a lie. Polygraph test is also called lie detector test. This machine is like ECG. Due to which it also detects the changes taking place in the body of the accused during interrogation.
Actually, at the time of lying, the heartbeat increases and along with breathing, many other changes also come in the body. In this, BP and pulse are also measured. Which tells whether the person is lying or not.
Who used it first?
Polygraph test was first used by Italian criminologist Cesare Lombroso. He studied the changes in blood pressure to detect crime. After this, American psychologist William Marston developed a different machine in 1914. Let us tell you that both narco and polygraph tests have been controversial in the medical field. Because there is still no 100 percent guarantee of truth and lie in it. But sometimes polygraph tests also prove to be helpful. In India, a company named Presto Infosolutions is the top provider of polygraph machines. This machine is used in the private sector as well as the government. Investigation agencies also buy these machines. Although private organizations can buy it by giving valid reasons. But there are some legal rules for buying this machine. For which government permission is necessary.
What is the law regarding polygraph test?
According to Article 20 (3) of the Constitution, citizens have the right to defend themselves. In such a situation, the accused also has the right to refuse a polygraph test. This test cannot be done forcibly on any accused. Therefore, if anyone is pressured to undergo the test, it would be a violation of Article 20 (3). There are many situations when a polygraph test does not work well on an accused.
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