Bangladesh is facing increasing turmoil, and amidst the ongoing chaos and violence, a heart-wrenching incident has come to light. Reports indicate that a well-known film director and his actor son, who had made a film about Mujibur Rahman, were brutally beaten to death by a mob.
The situation in Bangladesh has deteriorated significantly following Sheikh Hasina’s departure from power, leading to widespread unrest. Among the tragic incidents, news has emerged that a director and his son, an actor, were lynched by a mob. The victims were identified as renowned actor Shanto Khan and his father, Salim Khan, a prominent film producer and director. This horrific event occurred on Monday, leaving the film industry and the people of West Bengal in shock and mourning.
Details of the Incident
According to reports, Shanto Khan and Salim Khan were attempting to flee their hometown to escape the violence when they were caught by the mob. The incident took place in the Farakkabad market of Ballia Union. As they reached Bagara market, the mob surrounded them and began the brutal attack. Despite their efforts to defend themselves, including firing shots in an attempt to escape, the mob overpowered them and tragically beat them to death.
Salim Khan was a well-known figure in the film industry, having directed and produced several films, including “Tungiparar Miyan Bhai,” which was based on the life of Bangladesh’s founding leader, Sheikh Mujibur Rahman. He was also known for films like “Salim Shahenshah” and “Vidrohi.” In addition to his film career, Salim Khan had legal troubles, including a conviction in an illegal sand mining case from the Padma Meghna river, which led to a jail sentence. He was also under investigation by the Anti Corruption Commission, and his son Shanto faced charges related to accumulating illegal wealth.
Reaction to the Incident
The film industry and the general public are deeply saddened and shocked by this tragic event. Film producer Arindam, speaking to the Times of India, revealed that he had spoken with Salim Khan just hours before the incident. “Commando director Shamim Ahmed Rony called me from America, asking if I had heard the news. His hands were trembling after hearing what happened to Salim Bhai. When I found out, I was stunned,” Arindam said.
The victims were Shanto Khan, a well-known actor, and his father Salim Khan, a prominent film director and producer in Bangladesh.
The father and son were attempting to flee their hometown amidst ongoing violence when they were caught by a mob. The mob attacked and killed them in a brutal lynching.
Salim Khan was known for directing and producing films like “Tungiparar Miyan Bhai,” which focused on the life of Sheikh Mujibur Rahman, as well as other films such as “Salim Shahenshah” and “Vidrohi.”
Salim Khan had been convicted in an illegal sand mining case and was also under investigation by the Anti Corruption Commission. His son, Shanto Khan, faced charges related to amassing illegal wealth.
The film industry is deeply shocked and saddened by the incident. Film producer Arindam, among others, expressed disbelief and sorrow over the tragic deaths of Salim Khan and his son Shanto Khan.
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