Bahraich: TB detection campaign will run from 9 to 20 September

TB detection campaign will run from 9 to 20 September

A special campaign will be launched in the district from 9 to 20 September to identify potential TB patients. Under this campaign, 375 teams will go door-to-door in the 8.75 lakh population and check for TB symptoms. The aim of the campaign is to identify patients with TB symptoms and start immediate treatment, so that the spread of the disease can be stopped and the patient can recover soon.

These things were said by Chief Medical Officer Dr. Sanjay Kumar during the training program “Active TB Patient Search Campaign” organized in the CMO auditorium. He told that TB is an infectious disease, which spreads due to the patient coughing and sneezing. Its symptoms include problems like continuous cough for more than two weeks, mucus or blood in cough, fever, chest pain, lack of appetite and weight loss.

If a person has such symptoms, he should get himself examined and start treatment immediately. Leaving TB treatment midway can be dangerous, as this makes the bacteria drug-resistant and treatment becomes more difficult. He appealed to the general public to cooperate in this campaign against TB and said that if anyone in the family has symptoms, then inform the team so that treatment can be started soon and the spread of the disease can be stopped.

Take precautions –
District Tuberculosis Officer Dr. ML Verma said that TB bacteria can spread through air in crowded places. Therefore, it is important to cover the mouth while coughing or sneezing in public places. If someone in the house has TB, then other members are also at risk of getting infected. Within 15-20 days of TB treatment, the patient’s cough becomes bacteria-free,

Due to which the risk of infection is reduced. He told that the facility of testing and treatment of TB is available in all the CHCs and District TB Hospital of the district. To ensure the success of the campaign, he reviewed the microplan and action plan as well as TB free panchayat from the block level CHC superintendents. On this occasion, WHO consultant Deepak Chaturvedi, DPC Ravi Sharma, STS, STLS and CHC superintendents of all blocks were present.