The Supreme Court on Thursday reserved its decision on the bail plea of Chief Minister Arvind Kejriwal, who is embroiled in the Delhi liquor policy scam. Earlier, the court had heard Arvind Kejriwal’s bail plea and the petition challenging the CBI’s arrest. A bench of Justice Surya Kank and Justice Ujjal Bhuiyan heard the case. Senior advocate Abhishek Manu Singhvi presented arguments on behalf of Arvind Kejriwal in the court.
During the hearing in the court, Kejriwal’s lawyer said that I want to tell about some dates. After this, Justice Suryakant said that you have mentioned detailed things regarding bail. You have also mentioned the Law Commission’s report.
On this, Singhvi said, “Instead of going into these details, I would like to tell you only about some dates. This clearly shows that the CBI has arrested Arvind Kejriwal to prevent him from coming out.”
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