Registration for nature assessment camp at Regional Ayurveda Research Institute will start from October 15, you will get a chance to identify the disease in your body

Registration for nature assessment camp at Regional Ayurveda Research Institute

Registration for nature assessment camp at Regional Ayurveda Research Institute
Registration for nature assessment camp at Regional Ayurveda Research Institute

‘Prakriti’ is an Ayurvedic principle, which defines the nature (physical and mental) of a person. There are seven types of human nature: Vata, Pittaj, Kaphaj, Vata-Pittaj, Vata-Kaphaj, Pitta-Kaphaj and Samsanipataj. By knowing and understanding the nature, a person can remain healthy and disease-free by changing his diet, lifestyle, routine and seasonal routine accordingly. By understanding the tendency/susceptibility of future diseases according to nature, diet and non-diet can be adopted to prevent diseases. And even if you fall ill, the knowledge of the patient’s nature proves useful in prescribing treatment.

Regional Ayurveda Research Institute, Lucknow, located at Sector-25, Indira Nagar, is organizing a nature assessment camp on the occasion of Ayurveda Day (which will be celebrated on 29 October 2024). Nature assessment of healthy participants will be done every day at the institute till 15 October 2024 and nature cards will be given. Interested participants can come to the institute and register for nature assessment.