Actor Ranveer Shorey has been in constant discussion since the end of ‘Bigg Boss OTT 3’. Recently, during an interview, the actor told how many difficulties he is going through. He said that he does not have work. He is also facing many challenges. If you do not get work, you can also do labor to earn money.
In an interview given to Siddharth Kannan, Ranveer Shorey told that he does not have work. He said- I myself am constantly asking for work from people. I do not have any management team, due to which I can get work sitting at home. I myself am going to people and asking for work, but I am not getting those roles.
After a lot of hard work, Ranveer Shorey has made his place in acting. He says- If I don’t get work in acting, then I can do any work. I can do filmmaking and singing as well. If I get a chance in this, then I am ready to work.
Ranveer Ranveer Shouri said that he is not ashamed of doing any work. He said- If needed, I am ready to become a spotboy. If the time gets even worse, I will even do labour work for money. That will run my house. I will not feel bad doing this work. It is my principle that I should get my payment on time. I have raised my voice for this many times.
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