In the case of a truck caught by the police with suspicious goods near Banshinagar Chowki, the Kotwali police registered a case against four accused under relevant sections and sent them to jail. The police is busy searching for the other three wanted accused in the case along with their Nepali accomplices. The truck and the suspicious goods filled in it are in police custody.
Let us tell you that other security agencies including Customs, SSB, LIU, IB, RAW and Police are deployed on the India Nepal border to stop anti-national activities. But despite this, the business of smuggling has been going on for a long time through the border. Every day SSB and police keep catching smuggled goods but still the smugglers are not being controlled.
On Saturday, on the information of an informer, the police caught a truck full of suspicious goods on Palia Dudhwa Road. The police took the truck caught with the goods in their custody and brought it to Palia Kotwali. After bringing the truck to the police station, CO Yadavendra Yadav, Manbodh Tiwari raided with Chandan Chowki Police and SSB Dog Squad Team. Information was also received about three suspicious plastic bags found from the warehouse, on which Made in China was written. The police also took them into their possession. The police had arrested four people in this case, who were being interrogated in Palia Kotwali.
After GST and Customs, the forensic team which reached the district on Sunday took the sample of the goods. It is expected that by Tuesday the forensic team will be able to reveal the contents of the sack. On Monday, the police took action and lodged a case against the accused Mukesh Bansal and Pradeep Bansal, sons of Anand Bansal, residents of Chandan Chowki, Kishun Pal, son of Ramesh Chandra, resident of Parsakheda Gotiya, CB Ganj police station, Bareilly and Vijay Kumar, son of Girish Chandra, resident of Budhha Purva Ramnagar, Chandan Chowki police station under various sections and sent them to jail. The police is searching for the other three wanted accused in the case along with their Nepali accomplices. The truck and the suspicious goods filled in it are in police custody.
Black business was being done on the border using Nepali numbers
While sending four accused to jail, it also came to light that the accused used to carry out illegal trade through Nepali numbers at the border. Sacks with ‘Made in China’ written on them were brought to Tharu village Bandar Bharari crossing the Mohana river flowing on the border and the goods were dumped at the warehouse located there. Then the goods were transported further from the warehouse through trucks with the help of fake documents.
The cost of the goods is estimated to be Rs 2 crore 70 lakh
The cost of the goods found in the truck near Banshinagar Chowki is being estimated to be Rs 2 crore 70 lakh. At present, the authenticity and price of the powder will be known only after the test report of the powder arrives.
This police team is engaged in action
Police inspector Palia Manbodh Tiwari, Chandan Chowki police inspector Vishwa Nath Yadav, Banshi Nagar police post in-charge Suresh Chandra, Bharat Kumar, Anuj Kumar, Vijay Tiwari, Mata Prasad, Rahul Kumar, Rajat Kumar and constable Nitin Kumar were involved in recovering the goods found loaded in the truck.
What do the officials say?
Giving information, CO Yadvendra Yadav said that the three wanted accused and their Nepali accomplices are being searched and they will also be arrested soon.
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