Heavy rain is still continuing in Himachal Pradesh’s Shimla after cloudburst late on Friday night. Due to this, 132 roads are closed. At the same time, some roads are closed due to landslides in Kinnaur and Chamba.
At the same time, floods are also expected in 30 districts of Odisha. The state government has ordered the DMs of all the districts to remain on alert mode. Fishermen have also been asked to stay away from the sea.
In Uttar Pradesh too, due to heavy rains, the water level and flow of the Yamuna river is high. In Agra, two brothers were swept away in the Yamuna. They were residents of Firozabad district. Divers recovered the bodies of both on Saturday.
The Meteorological Department has issued a heavy rain alert in 19 states including Madhya Pradesh, Uttar Pradesh, Rajasthan on Sunday (August 18). Very heavy rain is expected only in West Bengal.
32 deaths in cloudburst incidents in Himachal
- In Himachal Pradesh, a cloud burst occurred in Kullu, Mandi, Shimla districts on the night of 31 July. Due to this, more than 56 people were swept away in these districts.
- The death toll in the accident has risen to 32. Four more bodies were recovered on Friday. Officials said 14 people are still missing.
67 deaths in Karnataka during monsoon season
- So far 67 people have died in rain-related incidents in Karnataka. From June 1 to August 15, the state received 22 percent more rainfall than normal.
- The Meteorological Department has predicted heavy rains in Karnataka for 4 weeks. Officials have asked fishermen to stay away from the sea for the next 4 days.
Rain in 16 states on August 19
- The Meteorological Department has issued a rain alert for Uttar Pradesh, Uttarakhand, Chhattisgarh, Madhya Pradesh, Goa, Maharashtra, Odisha, Jharkhand, Bihar, Nagaland, Manipur, Mizoram, Tripura, West Bengal, Karnataka, Kerala on August 19.
- Lightning is also expected in some districts of Rajasthan, Madhya Pradesh, Odisha, Himachal Pradesh and Jharkhand. The Meteorological Department has asked fishermen in Odisha to maintain distance from the sea coast. There is a flood alert here till August 20.
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