A villager from village Chauchh in Sadar Kotwali area has filed a case of culpable homicide against five people including two doctors. The case is related to the death of a baby after delivery. On the orders of the court, the Kotwali police has registered a case and started investigation.
Kamal Ahmed Khan, a resident of Chauch village near the city, said that he had admitted his daughter Salia Khan to Shifa Multi Specialty Hospital in Mahevaganj at 4 pm on April 18, 24 when she was in labor pain. Dr. Z Hussain and Dr. Tarannum of the hospital examined the daughter’s health and conducted several tests. In the report that came after the examination, both the doctors said that the daughter was absolutely fine. They also said that normal delivery would be done in a day or two. Dr. Z Hussain took 15 thousand rupees from him and did not give any receipt for the money taken. After this, when he reached the hospital again on April 19, he saw that her health was worse.
The daughter alleges that Dr. Z Hussain, Dr. Tarannum, staff nurse Nisha, assistant Chetna and Sufia came on rounds and after examining her daughter took her to the delivery room. Thereafter Dr. Z Hussain demanded 25 thousand rupees saying that he would do the operation. Thereafter the victim made some arrangements and gave 10 thousand rupees to Dr. Z Hussain and said that she would give 15 thousand rupees later. Nurse Shifa, assistant Chetna and Sufia did a small operation and got the delivery done.
Here, due to wrong stitching, there was continuous bleeding. At the same time, no one paid attention to the newborn. It is alleged that there was no pediatrician in the hospital. It is alleged that due to the negligence of the doctors, the newborn died on 20 April 2024. Kamal Ahmed Khan complained about this to Kotwali Sadar, Superintendent of Police Kheri, District Magistrate Kheri, but being unable to get justice, he was forced to take refuge in the court. On the orders of the court, a case of unintentional murder has been registered against the five accused.
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