On Monday, protesting candidates gheraoed the residence of Deputy Chief Minister Keshav Prasad Maurya in the 69 thousand teacher recruitment case. When the police tried to stop them, they clashed with the police. Preparations are being made to remove them from there and send them to another place.
The protesting candidates are sitting on a dharna in front of Keshav Prasad’s house demanding that the decision given by the double bench of the High Court Lucknow be implemented. Candidates who have arrived in large numbers are raising strong slogans here. Heavy police force is deployed on the spot.
Candidates say that the government should implement the High Court’s decision as soon as possible and pave the way for the appointment of reserved category candidates by giving them justice. Before that, tainted officers should be removed immediately and new officers should be appointed so that the recruitment process can be completed transparently.
Amarendra Patel, who was leading the protest, said that this recruitment process started in the year 2018. When its result came, injustice was done to the candidates of reserved category on a large scale and they were denied jobs. After going through a long agitation and judicial process, on 13 August 2024, the double bench of Lucknow High Court has given a verdict in the interest of the candidates of reserved category and has ordered the appointment of the candidates by following the rules. But the government is making excuses in this matter, we want the government to resolve this matter as soon as possible and issue a schedule to tell when we victims are being appointed.
Patel said that the court has cancelled the original selection list of 69000 teacher recruitment and ordered the government to issue a new list within three months following the reservation rules. But the government has not started any work yet and has only held a meeting. Our demand is that the government should issue the schedule of our selection process.
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