Telugu star Nagarjuna’s illegal N Convention Center in Hyderabad was demolished by bulldozers on Saturday, August 24. He had built this center near Hitech City in Madhapur near Shilparamam in Rangareddy district.
The actor was accused of illegally constructing this centre on the lake land. The Hyderabad Disaster Relief and Property Protection Agency (HYDRA) team demolished it this morning.
On the other hand, Nagarjuna expressed his displeasure over this action. He said, ‘If the court had given the decision to demolish it, I would have demolished it myself. I hope that we will get relief from the court on this wrong action of the officers.’
Nagarjuna said- I am saddened by this action
Nagarjuna expressed his displeasure over this action. He wrote on his official X account, ‘The convention center was demolished illegally even after court cases and stay orders. We did not do any illegal construction. This place is leased land. Not an inch of the lake land was used. Stay orders were taken on all the complaints related to this center. Today it has been demolished on the basis of wrong information. We were not given any notice before demolishing the center.’
It was built on 6.69 acres, 3.40 acres were encroached
The convention center was built on 6.69 acres. Out of this, it was built by encroaching on 3.30-3.40 acres of land of Thamidi Kunta Lake. Many complainants including Bhaskar Reddy of Hyderabad had complained to HYDRA. After this this action was taken.
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