A horrific road accident took place on Thursday afternoon on the Lakhimpur Bhira highway. A speeding car hit a bike rider, killing the woman riding the bike. The car’s impact was so severe that the bike was shattered into pieces. The angry family members blocked the highway in front of Bijua police post. The police have taken the car that hit the bike into their custody.
Sanjay Singh, a resident of Dambal Tanda village of Kotwali Bhira, was going on his bike UP 31BM 8192 on Thursday afternoon to drop his sister Gomti, who had come to her in-laws’ house at Gulab Tanda, on Raksha Bandhan. A speeding Swift car coming from Bhira hit the bike from the front in front of the petrol pump located in the middle of Bhanpur Baram Baba on the Lakhimpur Bhira highway. The collision was so severe that the bike rider fell on the spot and got seriously injured. After the collision, the Swift car driver fled from the spot towards Bijua. Afraid of getting caught, the driver parked the car at the house of Ram Lakhan son of Devi Dayal in Bijua and fled.
The local people informed the police. On receiving the information, the Bhira police sent all the injured to Bijua Community Health Center through ambulance where the seriously injured Gomti Devi was declared dead by the doctor. Also, the injured Sanjay and the children are undergoing treatment. On the other hand, the angry family members blocked the road in front of Bijua police post and started demanding that first the car driver should be arrested and brought to Bijua post, only then the body of the deceased will be sent for postmortem. The road remained blocked for about an hour, Swift
The driver parked the vehicle UP 31AR 3827 at the house of Ram Lakhan son of Devi Dayal in the village and fled. The family members informed the police about the vehicle. The police took the car into their custody. After a lot of persuasion by the police to the angry family members, the family members agreed. After taking a written complaint from the family members, the police sent the body to the district headquarters for post-mortem.
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