A large number of villagers attended the housing related meeting held in Deitikar and Faridpur villages of Gosaiganj block regarding Pradhan Mantri Awas Yojana. Village head Ramrani and Panchayat Secretary Bhupendra received applications from the people.
In the program organized in the village, about 215 people of the village including Gram Pradhan Ram Rani, Gram Pradhan representative Ramkhelavan, Panchayat Secretary Bhupendra Singh, Panchayat Assistant Vandana, Employment Officer Janak Dulari participated in the meeting. Out of these, 60 applications were received for the 40th house for toilet. Gram Pradhan Ram Rani said that for a long time, eligible beneficiaries in the village have been craving for housing. But till date housing has not been made available to the eligible beneficiaries.
He demanded from the government that eligible beneficiaries should be selected and their houses should be allotted as soon as possible. Pradhan representative Ramkhelavan had made grand arrangements for all the beneficiaries, from tents, chairs to light refreshments. There are many such families in Deitikar village who are living under tarpaulin or in mud rooms. They expect a proper roof. They need housing. The process of providing housing will begin as soon as possible. In Faridpur village, this meeting was held in the primary school in the presence of Gram Pradhan Neetu, Pradhan representative Umesh Yadav and Panchayat Secretary Bhupendra Singh.
In which a large number of people submitted photocopies of Aadhar card and bank passbook as their application form with the hope of getting housing. Soon these applications will be seriously considered and the process of providing housing will be started. Block Development Officer Ashutosh Srivastava is constantly keeping a close eye on these meetings being held in the village. All secretaries have been instructed to do as much publicity as possible so that more and more people attend these meetings and register their applications.
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